Thursday, 31 March 2011

Commitment to blogging.

Me and blogging do not appear to get on very well, we should - a blog being somewhere I can post my inner ramblings and nobody will whinge about it. Well they might but at least it wont be to my face!

I have decided, made a conscious decision to make more of a comittment to blogging - at least once a week I have decided. Many people get 'discovered' via their blogs and I could really do with being the next great discovery I tell you!

There will be another blog from me within the next few days, I am currently writing a review of 'Wicked' which I saw for the second time yesterday so will be posting that - it will also be found on a friend of mines blog 'Theatrical adventures of an onion' where she has kindly allowed me to guest blog!

For now I am off to continue my quest in trying to create a current London cast recording of 'Wicked' from people highly illegal videos on YouTube...

Till next time bloggers!