Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Stuff, stuff and more bloody stuff!

So, the new football season is upon us. One game of the season played and everyone is either joint top or joint bottom! And according to all journalists and newspapers Liverpool's title chances are over alerady! ONE FRIGGING GAME PEOPLE!! Ok we never lost at all last season but Man Utd did and still won so how can all be lost? We have a decent team with some good additions and if we can keep the Torrard partenership fit all season I think we stand a damn good chance!

I just had a Kit Kat Chunky Caramel, which incidentally I called a Kit Kat Caramel Chinky to my mate just now (Oh how we laughed!) I was quite excited yet ended up underfulfilled and slightly disappointed. I now long the re-arrival of Wispa Gold, by far a superior chocolate bar. Oooh does anybody else remember Cadburys Secret? That was a great bar of chocolate!

Been playing a ridiculousy stupid and hard game on facebook just now, simple concept, devilishly addictive and down right frustrating! All you have to do is type A-Z as fast as possible, you get 5 goes and then an average time which I have got down to 6.65 (or something) yet still have mates who have like 5.6 seconds! Well at least its not bejeweled, I have hung up my mouse indefinitly on that one!!

hmmmm that is all apart from..."What is it doing on my leg?" "Maybe he was masturbating"

Thank you!!

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