Tuesday, 5 August 2008

The 1st Blog

So then! I've decided to give this blogging thing a go! Heard so much recently about people being discovered simply by blogging, not that I want to be discovered of course I just thought it'd be fun! Fun, and a way to get rid of all the shit that clogs up my brain!!

I've just come from my MySpace, which incidentally I hadn't checked for months before today. On there were three blogs I had posted years ago! They made me laugh! One about how ugly the new sugababe was and how she looked like she had a cake on her head. One about how I hate writers block and the other about the World Cup! That one made me laugh the most!

MySpace to me is now null and void, I ony went on to check out something a friend of mine directed me to - FACEBOOK IS THE WAY FORWARD PEOPLE!!

Anyway, I'm Katy age 27 - lesbian - engaged - living in Blackpool (but welsh!) I'm just about to start my 2nd year on a degree course English Literature, Language & Creative Writing. I LOVE to write which is another reason I am starting this blog, it's just somewhere for me to express myself and not worry about what I say!!

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