Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Day 2

Ok, I'm not planning on doing this blogging thing everyday but I am off today so it seems appropriate!

Quizzed last night again with Kirst and Peran, the latter going on to win over £400 quid on the Swift Hounds version of Deal or No Deal! Well done to Pezmeister!!

Not really doing much today, kirst (my fiance) has just come back from getting her haircut and she looks ace! Its all short again which is just her! I on the other hand have not moved from the couch all day except to pee! I have also just found a strange lump on my elbow...not really sure what to do. It was a bit achy so I was rubbing it and I noticed the lump...its very strange!

Kirst is stood in front of me playing Wii baseball, we played when we got in from the oub last night it was well good (to be spoken in the accent from the McDonalds ad)....LOL!

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